
auto_align(fd, positions[, legs, vertices])

Automatically position the vertices and legs on a list of positions.

auto_align_legs(fd[, incoming, outgoing])

Automatically reshuffle the legs of a Feynman diagram.

auto_grid(fd[, n_x, n_y, min_x, min_y, ...])

Automatically position the vertices and legs on a grid, with the given minimum and maximum values for x and y, and the number of grid points, but avoid placing vertices or legs on the same position.

auto_gridded_springs(fd[, points, n_x, n_y, ...])

auto_position(fd[, layout, size, clear_vertices])

Automatically position the vertices and legs.


Automatically remove intersections by aligning the legs and reshufffling (permuting) them.

auto_vdw(fd[, points, LJ, dis, y_symmetry, ...])

Minimizes a potential between vertices and legs.

ccw(A, B, C)

Return true if the points A, B, and C are in counter-clockwise order.

feynman_adjust_points(feyndiag[, size, ...])

Adjust the points of the vertices and legs using Dot language algorithms.


Set the incoming legs to the left.

intersect(A, B, C, D)

Return true if line segments AB and CD intersect

lennard_jones(points, cons, all_points, *args)


Set the outgoing legs to the right.

quad(points, cons, all_points, *args[, dis])


Remove vertices that are only connected to two vertices with the same propagator.


scale_positions(fd, scale)

Scale the positions of the vertices and legs.
