Source code for feynml.pdgid

import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional

from particle import Particle
from smpl_util.util import withify

from import Identifiable

from .particles import get_either_particle

[docs]@withify() @dataclass class PDG(Identifiable): pdgid: Optional[int] = field( default=None, metadata={"name": "pdgid", "namespace": "", "type": "Attribute"} ) """PDG ID of the particle""" name: Optional[str] = field(default=None, metadata={"type": "Element"}) """Name of the particle""" type: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={"xml_attribute": True, "type": "Attribute"} ) """Type of the particle, e.g. fermion, boson, etc.""" # TODO check SUSY particle: Optional[Particle] = field(default=None, metadata={"type": "Ignore"}) """Particle object from the particle package""" def _sync(self): """Sync the particle with the pdgid, name etc.""" if self.pdgid is not None: self.particle = Particle.from_pdgid(self.pdgid) = elif is not None: if == "ghG" or == "gh" or == "ghost": self.particle = None self.pdgid = None self.type = "ghost" return if == "ghG~" or == "gh~" or == "anti ghost": self.particle = None self.pdgid = None self.type = "anti ghost" return self.particle = get_either_particle(,,,,, ) if self.particle is None: raise ValueError(f"Particle {} not found") self.pdgid = int(self.particle.pdgid) if self.pdgid is not None: tmptype = self.type # TODO infere type from pdgid if self.pdgid in range(1, 7): self.type = "fermion" elif -self.pdgid in range(1, 7): self.type = "anti fermion" elif self.pdgid == 22: self.type = "photon" elif self.pdgid == 21: self.type = "gluon" elif self.pdgid in range(11, 19): self.type = "fermion" elif -self.pdgid in range(11, 19): self.type = "anti fermion" elif abs(self.pdgid) == 24: self.type = "boson" elif self.pdgid == 23: self.type = "boson" elif self.pdgid == 25: self.type = "higgs" elif self.pdgid == 2212: # proton self.type = "baryon" elif self.pdgid == -2212: # anti proton self.type = "anti baryon" elif self.pdgid == 111: # pion self.type = "meson" elif abs(self.pdgid) == 211: # pion self.type = "meson" elif self.pdgid < 1000000 and self.pdgid > 100: if self.particle.pdgid.J == 0: self.type = "line" elif self.particle.pdgid.J == 1: self.type = "line" elif self.particle.pdgid.J == 0.5: self.type = "fermion" elif self.particle.pdgid.J == 1.5: self.type = "fermion" elif self.pdgid > -1000000 and self.pdgid < -100: if self.particle.pdgid.J == 0: self.type = "line" elif self.particle.pdgid.J == 1: self.type = "line" elif self.particle.pdgid.J == 0.5: self.type = "anti fermion" elif self.particle.pdgid.J == 1.5: self.type = "anti fermion" else: warnings.warn( f"Inferring type from pdgid not implemented for pdgid {self.pdgid} " ) self.type = "line" if tmptype is not None and tmptype != "" and self.type != tmptype: warnings.warn( f"Type {tmptype} is not consistent with pdgid {self.pdgid}, which is {self.type}. Using {tmptype} now." ) self.type = tmptype
[docs] def is_anti_fermion(self): """Return True if the particle is an anti fermion, False otherwise.""" return self.type == "anti fermion"
[docs] def is_fermion(self): """Return True if the particle is a fermion, False otherwise.""" return self.type == "fermion"
[docs] def is_any_fermion(self): """Return True if the particle is a fermion or anti fermion, False otherwise.""" return self.type == "fermion" or self.type == "anti fermion"
[docs] def is_anti(self): """Return True if the particle is an anti particle, False otherwise.""" return self.pdgid < 0 # TODO use pdg option?
def __post_init__(self): super().__post_init__() self._sync()
# def with_pdgid(self, pdgid): # self.pdgid = pdgid # self._sync() # return self # def with_name(self, name): # = name # self._sync() # return self