MadGraph Post-Script Reader

Transforms a MadGraph postscript file into a FeynML file.

from import ps_to_feynml
fml = ps_to_feynml("tests/interface/")

MadGraph Export Plugin Integration

Export FeynML files directly from MadGraph by following these steps:

pip install --upgrade feynml[interfaces]


FeynML Must be above version 0.2.23.

Ensure that you also use the MadGraph export plugin by following these steps:

  1. Create a file at /MG5_aMC_v3_5_1/PLUGIN/MadFeynML/

  2. In the file, include the line: from feynml.interface.madgraph.plugin import *.

  3. Execute the following madgraph script:

generate p p > t t~
output feynml OUTDIRNAME --draw

If you omit --draw, it will only provide the .fml file, which you can load in Python using