Source code for feynml.interface.lhe

import pylhe

from feynml.feynmandiagram import FeynmanDiagram
from feynml.feynml import FeynML, Head, Meta
from feynml.leg import Leg
from feynml.propagator import Propagator
from feynml.util import leg_id_wrap, vertex_id_wrap
from feynml.vertex import Vertex

# TODO add momenta?

[docs]def lhe_event_to_feynman(event: pylhe.LHEEvent) -> FeynmanDiagram: fd = FeynmanDiagram() hp = Vertex(id=vertex_id_wrap(0)) fd.add(hp) hpids = [] for lhe_id, p in enumerate(event.particles): lhe_id += 1 pdgid = round( if p.status == -1: # outgoing Leg fd.add( Leg( id=leg_id_wrap(lhe_id), pdgid=pdgid, target=vertex_id_wrap(0), sense="incoming", ) ) hpids.append(lhe_id) for lhe_id, p in enumerate(event.particles): lhe_id += 1 pdgid = round( if p.mother1 in hpids and p.mother2 in hpids: if p.status == 1: # outgoing Leg fd.add( Leg( id=leg_id_wrap(lhe_id), pdgid=pdgid, target=vertex_id_wrap(0), sense="outgoing", ) ) if p.status == 2: # Propagator # create a new vertex... fd.add(Vertex(id=vertex_id_wrap(lhe_id))) fd.add( Propagator( id=leg_id_wrap(lhe_id), pdgid=pdgid, source=vertex_id_wrap(0), target=vertex_id_wrap(lhe_id), ) ) nvertices = 1 # the hard process vertex while nvertices != len(fd.vertices): nvertices = len(fd.vertices) for lhe_id, p in enumerate(event.particles): lhe_id += 1 pdgid = round( # print("Candidate particle: ", lhe_id,, p.status, p.mother1, p.mother2) for v in fd.vertices: # print("1Candidate particle: ", lhe_id,, p.status, p.mother1, p.mother2) if ( vertex_id_wrap(p.mother1) == and vertex_id_wrap(p.mother2) == ): # TODO this will not cover all cases, i.e. when there are more than one vertex in the decay chain # print("2Candidate particle: ", lhe_id,, p.status, p.mother1, p.mother2) if p.status == 1: # check if the particle is already in the diagram if not leg_id_wrap(lhe_id) in [ for l in fd.legs]: fd.add( Leg( id=leg_id_wrap(lhe_id), pdgid=pdgid,, sense="outgoing", ) ) if p.status == 2: # Propagator # create a new vertex... , this will result in rerunning the loop if not vertex_id_wrap(lhe_id) in [ for l in fd.vertices]: fd.add(Vertex(id=vertex_id_wrap(lhe_id))) fd.add( Propagator( id=leg_id_wrap(lhe_id), pdgid=pdgid,, target=vertex_id_wrap(lhe_id), ) ) assert len(fd.legs) + len(fd.propagators) == len( event.particles ), "Not all particles are accounted for!\nlegs = {}\npropagators = {}\nparticles = {}".format( len(fd.legs), len(fd.propagators), len(event.particles) ) return fd
[docs]def lhe_to_feynml( lhe_file: str, creator="pyfeyn2", tool="pyfeyn2.interface.hepmc", title="", description="", ) -> FeynML: fds = [] events = pylhe.read_lhe_with_attributes(lhe_file) for event in events: fds.append(lhe_event_to_feynman(event)) return FeynML( diagrams=fds, head=Head( metas=[ Meta(name="creator", content=creator), Meta(name="tool", content=tool), Meta(name="description", content=description), Meta(name="title", content=title), ] ), )