Source code for

import copy
from ast import List
from enum import Enum

from pylatexenc.latex2text import LatexNodes2Text

[docs]class LabelType(Enum): LATEX = 1 UNICODE = 2 ASCII = 3
[docs]def auto_label( objs: List, replace: bool = False, label_type: LabelType = LabelType.LATEX ): """ Automatically label objects. Parameters ---------- objs : list List of objects to label. replace : bool, optional Whether to replace existing labels. The default is False. """ for p in objs: if (p.label is None or replace) and p.particle is not None: if label_type == LabelType.LATEX: p.label = "$" + p.particle.latex_name + "$" elif label_type == LabelType.UNICODE: p.label = LatexNodes2Text().latex_to_text( "$" + p.particle.latex_name + "$" ) elif label_type == LabelType.ASCII: p.label = else: raise Exception("Unknown label type.")
[docs]def auto_label_propagators(ifd, replace=False): """Automatically label propagators.""" # fd = copy.deepcopy(ifd) fd = ifd objs = fd.propagators for p in objs: if p.label is None or replace: p.label = "$" + p.particle.latex_name + "$" return fd
[docs]def auto_label_legs(ifd, replace=False): """Automatically label legs.""" # fd = copy.deepcopy(ifd) fd = ifd objs = fd.legs for p in objs: if p.particle is None or replace: p.particle = "$" + p.particle.latex_name + "$" return fd