import itertools
import logging
from itertools import permutations
import iminuit
import numpy as np
from feynml import Leg, Point, Propagator
from import dot_to_positions, feynman_to_dot
# from
[docs]def ccw(A, B, C):
Return true if the points A, B, and C are in counter-clockwise order.
return (C.y - A.y) * (B.x - A.x) > (B.y - A.y) * (C.x - A.x)
# Return true if line segments AB and CD intersect
[docs]def intersect(A, B, C, D):
Return true if line segments AB and CD intersect
A : Point
The first point of the first line segment.
B : Point
The second point of the first line segment.
C : Point
The first point of the second line segment.
D : Point
The second point of the second line segment.
True if the line segments intersect, False otherwise.
>>> A = Point(0, 0)
>>> B = Point(1, 1)
>>> C = Point(0, 1)
>>> D = Point(1, 0)
>>> intersect(A, B, C, D)
>>> A,B,C,D = Point(0,0), Point(1,1), Point(0,0), Point(1,0)
>>> intersect(A, B, C, D)
if A.x == C.x and A.y == C.y:
return False
if A.x == D.x and A.y == D.y:
return False
if B.x == C.x and B.y == C.y:
return False
if B.x == D.x and B.y == D.y:
return False
return ccw(A, C, D) != ccw(B, C, D) and ccw(A, B, C) != ccw(A, B, D)
[docs]def set_none_xy_to_zero(points):
for p in points:
if p.x is None:
p.x = 0
if p.y is None:
p.y = 0
[docs]def require_xy(points):
# check if a vertex or leg is missing a x or y position
for v in points:
if v.x is None:
raise Exception(f"Vertex or leg {v} is missing x position.")
if v.y is None:
raise Exception(f"Vertex or leg {v} is missing y position.")
def _compute_number_of_intersects(fd):
Computes the number of crossed propagators/legs in a Feynman diagram
# check if a vertex or leg is missing a x or y position
points = [*fd.vertices, *fd.legs]
lines = []
for p in fd.propagators:
src = fd.get_point(p.source)
tar = fd.get_point(
lines.append([src, tar])
for l in fd.legs:
if l.is_incoming():
src = Point(l.x, l.y)
tar = fd.get_point(
lines.append([src, tar])
elif l.is_outgoing():
src = fd.get_point(
tar = Point(l.x, l.y)
lines.append([src, tar])
ci = 0
for i, l1 in enumerate(lines):
for _, l2 in enumerate(lines[i + 1 :]):
# test if the lines cross, without changing the lines
if intersect(l1[0], l1[1], l2[0], l2[1]):
ci += 1
return ci
[docs]def auto_remove_intersections_by_align_legs(fd, adjust_points=False, size=5):
Automatically remove intersections by aligning the legs and reshufffling (permuting) them.
fd = auto_align_legs(fd)
if adjust_points:
fd = feynman_adjust_points(fd, size=size, clear_vertices=True)
min_intersections = np.inf
min_perm = 0
inc = [l for l in fd.legs if l.is_incoming()]
outc = [l for l in fd.legs if l.is_outgoing()]
xyin = [[l.x, l.y] for l in inc]
xyout = [[l.x, l.y] for l in outc]
# loop over all permutations of incoming and outgoing legs
for i, o in itertools.product(
set(permutations(range(len(inc)))), set(permutations(range(len(outc))))
for xyi, l in zip(xyin, i):
inc[l].x = xyi[0]
inc[l].y = xyi[1]
for xyo, l in zip(xyout, o):
outc[l].x = xyo[0]
outc[l].y = xyo[1]
if adjust_points:
fd = feynman_adjust_points(fd, size=size, clear_vertices=True)
ci = _compute_number_of_intersects(fd)
logging.debug(f"auto_remove_intersections_by_align_legs: {ci}")
if ci < min_intersections:
min_intersections = ci
min_perm = (i, o)
logging.debug(f"auto_remove_intersections_by_align_legs: {ci}")
logging.debug(f"auto_remove_intersections_by_align_legs: {i} {o}")
logging.debug(f"auto_remove_intersections_by_align_legs: {xyin} {xyout}")
# use/return best permutation
for xyi, l in zip(xyin, min_perm[0]):
inc[l].x = xyi[0]
inc[l].y = xyi[1]
for xyo, l in zip(xyout, min_perm[1]):
outc[l].x = xyo[0]
outc[l].y = xyo[1]
if adjust_points:
fd = feynman_adjust_points(fd, size=size, clear_vertices=True)
return fd
[docs]def auto_align_legs(fd, incoming=None, outgoing=None):
Automatically reshuffle the legs of a Feynman diagram.
inc = [l for l in fd.legs if l.is_incoming()]
outc = [l for l in fd.legs if l.is_outgoing()]
if incoming is None or outgoing is None:
f_min_x, f_min_y, f_max_x, f_max_y = fd.get_bounding_box()
if incoming is None:
incoming = [[f_min_x, y] for y in np.linspace(f_min_y, f_max_y, len(inc))]
if outgoing is None:
outgoing = [[f_max_x, y] for y in np.linspace(f_min_y, f_max_y, len(outc))]
_auto_align(inc, incoming)
_auto_align(outc, outgoing)
return fd
def _get_dist(points, positions):
dist = np.ones((len(points), len(positions))) * np.inf
for i, v in enumerate(points):
for j, p in enumerate(positions):
dist[i][j] = np.sqrt((v.x - p[0]) ** 2 + (v.y - p[1]) ** 2)
return dist
def _auto_align(points, positions):
Automatically position the vertices and legs on a list of positions.
logging.debug(f"_auto_align: positions {positions}")
# check if a vertex or leg is missing a x or y position
# table of distances between vertices v and points p
dist = _get_dist(points, positions)
for i in range(len(points)):
min_i, min_j = np.unravel_index(dist.argmin(), dist.shape)
v = points[min_i]
v.x = positions[min_j][0]
v.y = positions[min_j][1]
# remove min_i and min_j from dist
dist[min_i, :] = np.inf
dist[:, min_j] = np.inf
[docs]def auto_align(fd, positions, legs=True, vertices=True):
Automatically position the vertices and legs on a list of positions.
fd : FeynmanDiagram
The Feynman diagram to be positioned.
positions : list of tuple
A list of tuples of the form (x,y) with the positions of the vertices
and legs.
legs : bool, optional
Whether to position the legs, by default True
vertices : bool, optional
Whether to position the vertices, by default True
The Feynman diagram with the vertices and legs positioned.
[*(fd.vertices if vertices else []), *(fd.legs if legs else [])], positions
return fd
[docs]def auto_grid(fd, n_x=None, n_y=None, min_x=None, min_y=None, max_x=None, max_y=None):
Automatically position the vertices and legs on a grid, with the given
minimum and maximum values for x and y, and the number of grid points, but
avoid placing vertices or legs on the same position.
# get the bounding box and construct grid from that
positions = _get_grid(fd, n_x, n_y, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y)
return auto_align(fd, positions)
def _get_grid(fd, n_x=None, n_y=None, min_x=None, min_y=None, max_x=None, max_y=None):
logging.debug(f"_get_grid {n_x}, {n_y}, {min_x}, {min_y}, {max_x}, {max_y}")
f_min_x, f_min_y, f_max_x, f_max_y = fd.get_bounding_box()
if n_x is None:
n_x = len(fd.vertices) + len(fd.legs)
if n_y is None:
n_y = len(fd.vertices) + len(fd.legs)
if min_x is None:
min_x = f_min_x
if max_x is None:
max_x = f_max_x
if min_y is None:
min_y = f_min_y
if max_y is None:
max_y = f_max_y
# print(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, n_x, n_y)
xvalues = np.linspace(min_x, max_x, n_x)
yvalues = np.linspace(min_y, max_y, n_y)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xvalues, yvalues)
positions = [[x, y] for x, y in zip(xx.flatten(), yy.flatten())]
return positions
[docs]def auto_position(fd, layout="neato", size=5, clear_vertices=True):
"""Automatically position the vertices and legs."""
# fd = scale_positions(fd, 10)
fd = fd.with_style(f"layout : {layout}")
fd = incoming_to_left(fd)
fd = outgoing_to_right(fd)
fd = feynman_adjust_points(fd, size=size, clear_vertices=clear_vertices)
# fd = remove_unnecessary_vertices(fd)
return fd
[docs]def incoming_to_left(fd):
"""Set the incoming legs to the left."""
n = 0
for l in fd.legs:
if l.is_incoming():
l.x = -2
n = n + 1
i = 0
for l in fd.legs:
if l.is_incoming():
l.y = 4 / n * i
i = i + 1
return fd
[docs]def outgoing_to_right(fd):
"""Set the outgoing legs to the right."""
n = 0
for l in fd.legs:
if not l.is_incoming():
l.x = 2
n = n + 1
i = 0
for l in fd.legs:
if not l.is_incoming():
l.y = 4 / n * i
i = i + 1
return fd
[docs]def scale_positions(fd, scale):
"""Scale the positions of the vertices and legs."""
for v in fd.vertices:
if v.x is not None:
v.x *= scale
if v.y is not None:
v.y *= scale
for l in fd.legs:
if l.x is not None:
l.x *= scale
if l.y is not None:
l.y *= scale
return fd
[docs]def feynman_adjust_points(feyndiag, size=5, clear_vertices=False):
"""Adjust the points of the vertices and legs using Dot language algorithms."""
fd = feyndiag
if clear_vertices:
for v in fd.vertices:
v.x = None
v.y = None
norm = size
dot = feynman_to_dot(fd, resubstituteslash=False)
positions = dot_to_positions(dot)
mmax = 0
for _, p in positions.items():
if p[0] > mmax:
mmax = p[0]
if p[1] > mmax:
mmax = p[1]
for v in fd.vertices:
if in positions:
v.x = positions[][0] / mmax * norm
v.y = positions[][1] / mmax * norm
for l in fd.legs:
l.x = positions[][0] / mmax * norm
l.y = positions[][1] / mmax * norm
return fd
[docs]def remove_unnecessary_vertices(feyndiag):
"""Remove vertices that are only connected to two vertices with the same propagator."""
fd = feyndiag
vertices = []
for v in fd.vertices:
ps = fd.get_connections(v)
if (
len(ps) == 2
and ps[0].pdgid == ps[1].pdgid
and isinstance(ps[0], Propagator)
and isinstance(ps[1], Propagator)
if ps[0].source == and ps[1].target ==
ps[0].source = ps[1].source
elif ps[0].target == and ps[1].source ==
ps[1].source = ps[0].source
raise Exception(
f"Unknown case, source == source or target == target, {v} {ps[0]} {ps[1]}"
fd.vertices = vertices
return fd
[docs]def quad(points, cons, all_points, *args, dis=1.0):
for i, p in enumerate(points):
p.x = args[2 * i]
p.y = args[2 * i + 1]
r = dis
LenJ = 0
if dis != 0.0:
for i, p in enumerate(points):
for j in cons[i]:
if all_points[j].x is not None and all_points[j].y is not None:
LenJ = LenJ + (
(p.x - all_points[j].x) ** 2
+ (p.y - all_points[j].y) ** 2
** 0.5
- r
** 2
return LenJ
[docs]def lennard_jones(points, cons, all_points, *args, LJ=1.0):
for i, p in enumerate(points):
p.x = args[2 * i]
p.y = args[2 * i + 1]
r = LJ
LenJ = 0
if LJ != 0.0:
for i, p in enumerate(points):
for j in cons[i]:
if all_points[j].x is not None and all_points[j].y is not None:
LenJ = (
- (
(p.x - all_points[j].x) ** 2
+ (p.y - all_points[j].y) ** 2
** 0.5
/ r
** 6
+ (
(p.x - all_points[j].x) ** 2
+ (p.y - all_points[j].y) ** 2
** 0.5
/ r
** 12
return LenJ
[docs]def auto_vdw(
fd, points=None, LJ=0.0, dis=None, y_symmetry=0.0, x_symmetry=0.0, intersection=0.0
Minimizes a potential between vertices and legs.
Further the function to be minimized gets punished by the number of intersections scaled by intersection.
The function to be minimized gets punished by the asymmetry in x and y direction scaled by x_symmetry and y_symmetry.
fd : FeynmanDiagram
The Feynman diagram to be positioned.
points : list of Point, optional
The points (leg or vertex) to be positioned. Recommended values are fd.vertices or [*fd.vertices, *fd.legs]
LJ : float, optional
The strength of the Lennard-Jones potential, by default 1.0
y_symmetry : float, optional
The strength of the punishment for asymmetry in y direction, by default 0.0
x_symmetry : float, optional
The strength of the punishment for asymmetry in x direction, by default 0.0
intersection : float, optional
The strength of the punishment for intersections, by default 0.0
The Feynman diagram with the vertices and legs positioned.
if points is None:
points = fd.vertices
if dis is None:
# set dis to number of points
dis = 4.0 / (len(points) / 2) ** 0.5
all_points = [*fd.vertices, *fd.legs]
# get distance to connected points
cons = []
# dist = []
for p in points:
n = []
# dd = []
for c in fd.get_neighbours(p):
for j, pp in enumerate(all_points):
if pp.x is None or pp.y is None:
if ==
# dd.append(np.sqrt((p.x - pp.x) ** 2 + (p.y - pp.y) ** 2))
# dist.append(dd)
def fun(*args):
for i, p in enumerate(points):
p.x = args[2 * i]
p.y = args[2 * i + 1]
LenJ = lennard_jones(points, cons, all_points, *args, LJ=LJ)
qdis = quad(points, cons, all_points, *args, dis=dis)
inter = 0
if intersection != 0.0:
inter += intersection * _compute_number_of_intersects(fd)
pun_x = 0
if x_symmetry != 0.0:
min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = fd.get_bounding_box()
# get averate x and y
avg_x = (min_x + max_x) / 2
avg_y = (min_y + max_y) / 2
pun = 0
for p in points:
nx = p.x - 2 * (p.x - avg_x)
# find nearest point to (nx, p.y)
min_dist = np.inf
for pp in all_points:
if == or pp.x is None or pp.y is None:
dist = np.sqrt((nx - pp.x) ** 2 + (p.y - pp.y) ** 2)
if dist < min_dist:
min_dist = dist
pun += min_dist
pun_x = pun
pun_y = 0
if y_symmetry != 0.0:
min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = fd.get_bounding_box()
# get averate x and y
avg_x = (min_x + max_x) / 2
avg_y = (min_y + max_y) / 2
pun = 0
for p in points:
ny = p.y - 2 * (p.y - avg_y)
# find nearest point to (p.x, ny)
min_dist = np.inf
for pp in all_points:
if == or pp.x is None or pp.y is None:
dist = np.sqrt((p.x - pp.x) ** 2 + (ny - pp.y) ** 2)
if dist < min_dist:
min_dist = dist
pun += min_dist
pun_y = pun
return qdis + LenJ + inter + pun_x * x_symmetry + pun_y * y_symmetry
m = iminuit.Minuit(fun, *[0 for _ in range(len(points) * 2)])
v = m.migrad()
args = list(v.values.to_dict().values())
for i, p in enumerate(points):
p.x = args[2 * i]
p.y = args[2 * i + 1]
return fd
[docs]def auto_gridded_springs(
): # TODO replace kwargs by actual arguments (i.e. for documentation)
fd = auto_vdw(fd, points, **kwargs)
fd = auto_grid(
fd, n_x=n_x, n_y=n_y, min_x=min_x, min_y=min_y, max_x=max_x, max_y=max_y
return fd