Source code for pyfeyn2.render.latex.latex

import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path

from IPython.display import display
from pylatex import Document
from pylatex.utils import NoEscape
from wand.image import Image as WImage

from pyfeyn2.render.render import Render

[docs]class LatexRender(Document, Render):
[docs] def __init__( self, fd=None, documentclass="standalone", document_options=None, *args, **kwargs, ): if document_options is None: document_options = ["preview", "crop"] super().__init__( *args, documentclass=documentclass, document_options=document_options, **kwargs, ) Render.__init__(self, fd)
def get_src(self): return self.dumps() def get_src_diag(self): return self.src_diag def set_src_diag(self, src_diag): self.src_diag = src_diag self.append(NoEscape(src_diag))
[docs] def render( self, file=None, show=True, resolution=100, width=None, height=None, clean_up=True, temp_dir=None, ): if temp_dir is None: temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() copy = True if file is None: copy = False file = "tmp" file = re.sub(r"\.pdf$", "", file.strip()) tfile = re.sub(r"\.pdf$", "", os.path.basename(file).strip()) tfile = os.path.join(, tfile) self.generate_pdf( tfile, clean_tex=clean_up, compiler="lualatex", compiler_args=["-shell-escape"], ) file += ".pdf" tfile += ".pdf" wi = WImage(filename=tfile, resolution=resolution, width=width, height=height) if copy: # Copy tfile to file Path(file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(tfile, file) # os.rename(tfile + ".pdf", file) # if delete: # os.remove(tfile + ".pdf") if show: display(wi) if clean_up and temp_dir: temp_dir.cleanup() return wi