from pyfeyn2.render.all import AllRender
import pylhe
from feynml.interface.lhe import lhe_event_to_feynman
from pyfeyn2.auto.position import feynman_adjust_points
from feynml.feynml import FeynML
import smpl_io.io as io
from pyfeyn2.interface.dot import feynman_to_dot,dot_to_positions
<LesHouchesEvents version="3.0">
file generated with POWHEG-BOX-V2
Input file powheg.input contained:
vdecaymode  1     ! Z decay products (default 2): 1 for electronic

numevts 20000   ! number of events to be generated
ih1   1           ! hadron 1 (1 for protons, -1 for antiprotons)
ih2   1           ! hadron 2 (1 for protons, -1 for antiprotons)
ebeam1 2510d0      ! energy of beam 1
ebeam2 2510d0      ! energy of beam 2

bornktmin 0.25     !  (default 0d0) generation cut. Minimum kt in underlying Born
##bornsuppfact 10d0 ! (default 0d0) mass param for Born suppression factor. If < 0 suppfact = 1

! To be set only if using LHA pdfs
lhans1 27100 ! pdf set for hadron 1 (LHA numbering)
lhans2 27100 ! pdf set for hadron 2 (LHA numbering)

! Parameters to allow or not the use of stored data
use-old-grid    1 ! if 1 use old grid if file pwggrids.dat is present (<> 1 regenerate)
use-old-ubound  1 ! if 1 use norm of upper bounding function stored in pwgubound.dat, if present; <>

ncall1 10000    ! number of calls for initializing the integration grid
itmx1    2      ! number of iterations for initializing the integration grid
ncall2 10000     ! number of calls for computing the integral and finding upper bounding envelope
itmx2    2      ! number of iterations for computing the integral and finding upper bouding envelope
foldcsi   1     ! number of folds on csi integration
foldy    1     ! number of folds on  y  integration
foldphi   1     ! number of folds on phi integration
nubound 30000  ! number of calls to set up the upper bounding norms for radiation


min_Z_mass 0.5
max_Z_mass 10
##runningscale 0

alphas_from_pdf 1
pdf_cutoff_fact 0.01d0
#bornonly 1
#LOevents 1

storemintupb 1

!! parallel
iseed 10103        ! initialize random number sequence
manyseeds 1
parallelstage 4
xgriditeration 2
maxseeds 2000
clobberlhe 1

!! shower/analysis param
NoPythia 0
NoRivet 0
QEDShower 0
QCDShower 1
hadronization 1
mpi 0
pythiaHepMC 1
HepMCEventOutput 0
HepMCEventInput 0
rivetAnalysis "ALICE_2020_I1797621"
rivetAnalysis1 "ALICE_2020_I1797621:PHOTON_Z=1"
rivetAnalysis2 "POWHEG_2023_DILEPTONS"
rivetWeight 0
End of powheg.input content
PDF package: lha
 Random number generator initialized with:         1000             0             0
     2212     2212  2.51000E+03  2.51000E+03     -1     -1     -1     -1     -4      1
  4.37712E+06  1.47821E+04  1.00000E+00  10001
      6  10001  1.68713E+07  8.94427E-01 -1.00000E+00  6.65838E-01
       2    -1     0     0   501     0  0.000000000E+00  0.000000000E+00  1.749324861E+02  1.749324861E+02  0.000000000E+00  0.00000E+00  9.000E+00
      21    -1     0     0   502   501  0.000000000E+00  0.000000000E+00 -1.592747830E-03  1.592747830E-03  0.000000000E+00  0.00000E+00  9.000E+00
      23     2     1     2     0     0 -2.408277128E-01  1.052626414E-01  1.565325189E+02  1.565338272E+02  5.835294129E-01  0.00000E+00  9.000E+00
      11     1     3     3     0     0  7.521133062E-02  1.659522570E-01  1.774845055E+01  1.774938573E+01  5.110000000E-04  0.00000E+00  9.000E+00
     -11     1     3     3     0     0 -3.160390434E-01 -6.068961564E-02  1.387840684E+02  1.387844415E+02  5.110000000E-04  0.00000E+00  9.000E+00
       2     1     1     2   502     0  2.408277128E-01 -1.052626414E-01  1.839837441E+01  1.840025160E+01  0.000000000E+00  0.00000E+00  9.000E+00
#rwgt            1          24   6209355.4982931120             1000         419           0
      6  10001 -1.68713E+07  8.94427E-01 -1.00000E+00  6.63949E-01
      -4    -1     0     0     0   502  0.000000000E+00  0.000000000E+00  9.983585819E-01  9.983585819E-01  0.000000000E+00  0.00000E+00  9.000E+00
      21    -1     0     0   502   501  0.000000000E+00  0.000000000E+00 -7.764707284E-01  7.764707284E-01  0.000000000E+00  0.00000E+00  9.000E+00
      23     2     1     2     0     0 -2.586998664E-01 -1.510185871E-01  6.026979797E-01  1.290320707E+00  1.100886206E+00  0.00000E+00  9.000E+00
      11     1     3     3     0     0 -6.211468495E-01 -2.712056290E-01  1.429668701E-01  6.926872952E-01  5.110000000E-04  0.00000E+00  9.000E+00
     -11     1     3     3     0     0  3.624469831E-01  1.201870419E-01  4.597311097E-01  5.976334118E-01  5.110000000E-04  0.00000E+00  9.000E+00
      -4     1     1     2     0   501  2.586998664E-01  1.510185871E-01 -3.808101262E-01  4.845086034E-01  0.000000000E+00  0.00000E+00  9.000E+00
#rwgt            1           3  -1231479.7875413459             1000        4036           0
 #Random number generator exit values:         1000      58113976             0

events = pylhe.read_lhe("example.lhe")
for event in events:
    fd = lhe_event_to_feynman(event).with_class("test").with_style("layout : dot")#.with_style_property("layout", "dot")
    fd = feynman_adjust_points(fd,clear_vertices=False)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feynml version="">
    <meta name="feynml" content=""/>
  <diagram id="FeynmanDiagram9" style="layout: dot" class="test" sheet="">
    <propagator id="Leg3" pdgid="23" type="boson" style="">
    <vertex id="Vertex0" style=""/>
    <vertex id="Vertex3" style=""/>
    <leg id="Leg1" pdgid="2" type="fermion" style="color: red">
    <leg id="Leg2" pdgid="21" type="gluon" style="color: green">
    <leg id="Leg6" pdgid="2" type="fermion" style="">
    <leg id="Leg4" pdgid="11" type="fermion" style="">
    <leg id="Leg5" pdgid="-11" type="anti fermion" style="">

[ ]:

[ ]: