Graph Profiling

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../combined.svg %3 3 ~:0:<method 'send' of 'generator' objects> 0.64% (0.02%) 921× 4 _callers:30:_multicall 99.44% (0.32%) 640× 4->3 0.63% 801× 566 python:187:pytest_pyfunc_call 44.75% (0.00%) 11× 4->566 44.75% 11× 946 ~:0:<built-in method> 1.97% (0.31%) 18197× 4->946 0.30% 801× 1996 runner:160:pytest_runtest_call 97.24% (0.01%) 40× 4->1996 97.24% 40× 1707 test_fit:10:test_fit 18.41% (0.00%) 566->1707 18.41% 1708 test_plot:16:test_em 19.51% (0.00%) 566->1708 19.51% 2803 test_fit_algos:77:test_fit_algos 6.53% (0.00%) 566->2803 6.53% 356 __init__:1999:_setattr_cm 0.85% (0.62%) 13720× 946->356 0.85% 13720× 518 pytest_line_profiler_apn:85:runtest 25.85% (0.00%) 1996->518 25.85% 1974 python:1786:runtest 44.77% (0.00%) 11× 1996->1974 19.51% 1995 doctest:289:runtest 51.86% (0.01%) 34× 1996->1995 51.86% 34× 17 _mathtext:2026:non_math 0.64% (0.02%) 92× 21 wrap:169:str_get_expr 1.23% (0.01%) 24× 333 sympy_parser:911:parse_expr 1.21% (0.03%) 24× 21->333 1.21% 24× 473 ~:0:<built-in method builtins.exec> 51.57% (0.05%) 113× 333->473 0.42% 24× 22 wrap:31:get_latex 1.53% (0.01%) 44× 22->21 1.07% 21× 1124 printer:371:__call__ 0.52% (0.01%) 114× 22->1124 0.38% 21× 1123 latex:2929:latex 0.51% (0.01%) 106× 1124->1123 0.51% 106× 28 text:363:_get_layout 19.02% (1.07%) 775× 1365 text:93:_get_text_metrics_with_cache 15.78% (0.19%) 1962× 28->1365 15.78% 1962× 1570 transforms:800:from_bounds 1.30% (0.07%) 1862× 28->1570 0.57% 775× 1626 transforms:1889:__init__ 0.69% (0.27%) 4276× 28->1626 0.16% 775× 577 font_manager:633:__hash__ 0.86% (0.57%) 7393× 1365->577 0.26% 1962× 578 font_manager:644:__eq__ 0.60% (0.04%) 2421× 1365->578 0.46% 1878× 1086 text:101:_get_text_metrics_with_cache_impl 14.17% (0.01%) 84× 1365->1086 14.17% 84× 1384 font_manager:894:copy 1.13% (0.11%) 3069× 1365->1384 0.70% 1962× 1565 transforms:809:from_extents 1.38% (0.15%) 2123× 1570->1565 1.23% 1862× 1871 ~:0:<method 'copy' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects> 0.51% (0.51%) 10418× 1626->1871 0.22% 4276× 64 axis:1621:grid 3.60% (0.02%) 122× 318 axis:918:set_tick_params 3.79% (0.05%) 162× 64->318 3.56% 122× 221 axis:583:__get__ 2.69% (0.00%) 60× 318->221 1.85% 20× 327 axis:351:_apply_params 1.80% (0.19%) 676× 318->327 1.80% 676× 65 _base:406:_plot_args 0.60% (0.03%) 44× 87 line_profiler:207:show_func 0.57% (0.03%) 14× 103 legend:345:__init__ 7.35% (0.09%) 35× 149 legend:808:_init_legend_box 6.74% (0.10%) 35× 103->149 6.74% 35× 853 deprecation:443:wrapper 11.19% (0.12%) 1530× 149->853 1.79% 257× 1180 legend_handler:104:legend_artist 3.83% (0.03%) 222× 149->1180 3.83% 222× 129 plot:698:get_fnc_legend 1.29% (0.03%) 35× 129->22 1.03% 35× 129->1124 0.14% 85× 146 copy:66:copy 1.38% (0.54%) 10918× 395 copy:258:_reconstruct 1.23% (0.37%) 4652× 146->395 0.45% 3272× 474 ~:0:<built-in method builtins.getattr> 2.69% (0.71%) 66692× 146->474 0.13% 7034× 254 copy:128:deepcopy 1.53% (0.65%) 16384× 395->254 0.42% 828× 1269 _base:855:viewLim 1.92% (0.08%) 2412× 474->1269 1.84% 2100× 853->103 7.35% 35× 612 lines:274:__init__ 2.83% (0.39%) 500× 853->612 2.83% 500× 1299 offsetbox:718:__init__ 1.78% (0.07%) 257× 853->1299 1.78% 257× 1391 text:132:__init__ 2.07% (0.06%) 497× 853->1391 2.07% 497× 1468 axis:643:__init__ 0.63% (0.01%) 20× 853->1468 0.63% 20× 1177 legend_handler:286:create_artists 3.51% (0.06%) 201× 1180->1177 3.51% 201× 152 _tight_layout:194:get_tight_layout_figure 51.04% (0.02%) 39× 431 _tight_layout:20:_auto_adjust_subplotpars 50.82% (0.06%) 26× 152->431 50.82% 26× 1256 artist:1408:_get_tightbbox_for_layout_only 50.57% (0.02%) 78× 431->1256 50.57% 26× 153 axis:1257:_update_ticks 15.70% (0.46%) 260× 220 axis:1595:get_major_ticks 1.41% (0.02%) 260× 153->220 1.41% 260× 477 axis:2204:getter 2.14% (0.08%) 2132× 153->477 0.16% 260× 848 ticker:696:set_locs 2.78% (0.07%) 520× 153->848 1.29% 260× 961 axis:1486:get_minorticklocs 4.01% (0.15%) 260× 153->961 4.01% 260× 1232 axis:455:update_position 0.69% (0.11%) 997× 153->1232 0.66% 955× 1234 axis:516:update_position 0.74% (0.11%) 1048× 153->1234 0.71% 1005× 1237 axis:1482:get_majorticklocs 3.71% (0.02%) 260× 153->1237 3.71% 260× 1672 ticker:215:format_ticks 1.93% (0.04%) 520× 153->1672 1.93% 520× 1472 axis:1544:_get_tick 3.62% (0.01%) 85× 220->1472 0.94% 25× 477->474 2.05% 4160× 428 ticker:705:_compute_offset 0.82% (0.25%) 520× 848->428 0.82% 520× 849 ticker:744:_set_order_of_magnitude 0.64% (0.22%) 520× 848->849 0.64% 520× 850 ticker:778:_set_format 1.25% (0.37%) 520× 848->850 1.25% 520× 961->477 0.20% 260× 1845 <__array_function__ internals>:177:isclose 1.08% (0.02%) 417× 961->1845 0.69% 260× 1204 ticker:2134:__call__ 6.49% (0.09%) 520× 961->1204 2.81% 260× 1334 artist:319:stale 2.47% (1.19%) 64187× 1232->1334 0.21% 997× 1234->1334 0.25% 1048× 1237->1204 3.69% 260× 1672->848 1.49% 260× 154 axis:1309:get_tightbbox 18.00% (0.04%) 52× 154->153 5.07% 52× 843 transforms:649:union 1.94% (0.10%) 338× 154->843 0.39% 52× 1198 axis:2294:_update_label_position 4.59% (0.02%) 26× 154->1198 4.59% 26× 1199 axis:2555:_update_label_position 4.54% (0.01%) 26× 154->1199 4.54% 26× 1252 axis:1300:_get_ticklabel_bboxes 5.24% (0.01%) 104× 154->1252 2.40% 52× 1322 text:918:get_window_extent 6.27% (0.32%) 836× 154->1322 0.54% 52× 1563 transforms:754:__init__ 1.39% (0.70%) 5462× 843->1563 0.10% 338× 1807 <__array_function__ internals>:177:amax 1.26% (0.15%) 5723× 843->1807 0.17% 676× 1809 <__array_function__ internals>:177:amin 1.47% (0.15%) 5646× 843->1809 0.20% 676× 1198->843 0.18% 26× 159 spines:142:get_window_extent 9.43% (0.12%) 156× 1198->159 1.59% 26× 230 axis:2079:_get_tick_boxes_siblings 5.57% (0.02%) 52× 1198->230 2.80% 26× 1199->843 0.19% 26× 1199->159 1.56% 26× 1199->230 2.77% 26× 1251 axis:1304:<listcomp> 5.21% (0.05%) 104× 1252->1251 5.21% 104× 1322->28 3.74% 594× 1322->1570 0.15% 242× 948 contextlib:108:__enter__ 0.90% (0.15%) 7397× 1322->948 0.17% 836× 949 contextlib:117:__exit__ 1.13% (0.25%) 7397× 1322->949 0.16% 836× 1612 transforms:1475:transform 1.50% (0.21%) 1360× 1322->1612 0.76% 576× 155 _base:2295:add_line 0.64% (0.01%) 44× 615 artist:778:set_clip_path 0.86% (0.08%) 410× 155->615 0.24% 44× 1358 patches:262:get_transform 0.67% (0.03%) 370× 615->1358 0.52% 188× 156 _base:4329:get_tightbbox 50.56% (0.06%) 26× 156->843 0.25% 26× 156->1322 0.21% 78× 934 _base:2937:_update_title_position 0.61% (0.04%) 26× 156->934 0.61% 26× 1168 legend:1024:get_tightbbox 24.16% (0.00%) 24× 156->1168 24.16% 24× 156->1256 18.01% 52× 1352 artist:352:get_tightbbox 6.70% (0.02%) 130× 156->1352 6.70% 130× 934->1322 0.24% 78× 276 deprecation:379:wrapper 0.56% (0.07%) 1332× 934->276 0.12% 78× 1290 offsetbox:396:get_window_extent 24.15% (0.01%) 24× 1168->1290 24.15% 24× 1256->154 18.00% 52× 1256->156 50.56% 26× 1352->159 6.28% 104× 1351 patches:603:get_window_extent 0.84% (0.02%) 182× 1352->1351 0.40% 26× 159->153 7.94% 156× 159->843 0.67% 156× 159->1351 0.44% 156× 1351->1358 0.15% 182× 846 path:603:get_extents 0.66% (0.07%) 182× 1351->846 0.66% 182× 160 artist:1180:_update_props 2.89% (0.58%) 5985× 160->948 0.58% 5985× 160->949 0.42% 5985× 1498 artist:417:pchanged 0.85% (0.17%) 8675× 160->1498 0.10% 1275× 2165 contextlib:238:helper 0.57% (0.16%) 7397× 160->2165 0.43% 5985× 948->946 0.75% 7397× 949->946 0.89% 7397× 277 __init__:296:process 0.70% (0.45%) 8757× 1498->277 0.68% 8675× 166 runner:119:runtestprotocol 99.65% (0.01%) 40× 1971 runner:219:call_and_report 99.64% (0.03%) 120× 166->1971 99.64% 120× 287 _hooks:427:__call__ 99.52% (0.04%) 640× 1971->287 0.64% 240× 1972 runner:247:call_runtest_hook 98.89% (0.02%) 120× 1971->1972 98.89% 120× 175 legend:1114:_find_best_position 6.52% (0.07%) 24× 175->1570 0.15% 210× 842 transforms:580:count_contains 4.75% (1.44%) 2075× 175->842 0.24% 186× 965 ~:0:<built-in method builtins.sum> 5.47% (0.18%) 8537× 175->965 5.23% 372× 1594 transforms:333:min 0.72% (0.07%) 2041× 842->1594 0.72% 2041× 1595 transforms:338:max 0.62% (0.08%) 2041× 842->1595 0.62% 2041× 1826 ~:0:<method 'all' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects> 1.01% (0.07%) 2119× 842->1826 0.99% 2041× 1172 legend:1140:<genexpr> 4.61% (0.08%) 2075× 965->1172 4.61% 2075× 1173 legend:1144:<genexpr> 0.56% (0.04%) 2075× 965->1173 0.56% 2075× 192 fit:312:_fit_curvefit 0.87% (0.02%) 21× 457 _minpack_py:533:curve_fit 0.77% (0.02%) 21× 192->457 0.77% 21× 724 _minpack_py:279:leastsq 0.68% (0.02%) 21× 457->724 0.68% 21× 193 core:635:f_with_affine_output 11.83% (8.54%) 58383× 592 ~:0:<built-in method builtins.isinstance> 2.21% (1.62%) 409839× 193->592 0.81% 30083× 651 core:659:<listcomp> 1.01% (0.79%) 58383× 193->651 1.01% 58383× 1044 abc:96:__instancecheck__ 0.58% (0.27%) 34699× 592->1044 0.58% 34699× 651->592 0.22% 88466× 217 core:1545:expand 0.55% (0.35%) 4000× 1465 axis:416:__init__ 1.84% (0.02%) 42× 1472->1465 1.84% 42× 1466 axis:477:__init__ 1.77% (0.02%) 43× 1472->1466 1.77% 43× 221->1472 2.68% 60× 221->221 0.87% 20× 230->153 2.68% 52× 230->1252 2.84% 52× 254->395 0.78% 1380× 366 copy:226:_deepcopy_dict 1.49% (0.17%) 1104× 254->366 1.49% 276× 366->254 1.41% 7728× 262 __init__:678:_get 0.80% (0.55%) 55101× 263 ~:0:<method 'get' of 'dict' objects> 0.62% (0.48%) 89109× 268 axis:1553:_get_tick_label_size 0.57% (0.08%) 520× 606 font_manager:590:__init__ 0.90% (0.17%) 1251× 268->606 0.44% 520× 272 __init__:885:get_siblings 0.60% (0.28%) 5269× 273 __init__:1731:normalize_kwargs 0.93% (0.48%) 4672× 2108 _manager:103:_hookexec 99.46% (0.03%) 640× 287->2108 99.46% 440× 2108->4 99.44% 440× 1462 artist:147:<lambda> 2.65% (0.07%) 4091× 327->1462 1.40% 3380× 1517 artist:1227:set 2.57% (0.11%) 4091× 1462->1517 2.57% 4091× 329 text:221:update 0.64% (0.05%) 533× 329->273 0.20% 533× 1079 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 1.40% (0.00%) 473->1079 1.40% 1692 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 1.79% (0.00%) 473->1692 1.79% 1693 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 2.53% (0.00%) 473->1693 2.53% 1694 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 2.15% (0.00%) 473->1694 2.15% 1695 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 2.75% (0.00%) 473->1695 2.75% 1696 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 2.24% (0.00%) 473->1696 2.24% 1697 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 1.93% (0.00%) 473->1697 1.93% 1698 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 3.28% (0.00%) 473->1698 3.28% 1699 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 2.26% (0.00%) 473->1699 2.26% 1700 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 2.39% (0.00%) 473->1700 2.39% 1701 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 2.38% (0.00%) 473->1701 2.38% 1702 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 3.06% (0.00%) 473->1702 3.06% 1703 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 3.11% (0.00%) 473->1703 3.11% 1704 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 2.98% (0.00%) 473->1704 2.98% 1705 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 2.76% (0.00%) 473->1705 2.76% 1706 <doctest smpl.functions:1:<module> 3.12% (0.00%) 473->1706 3.12% 2557 <doctest smpl.plot:1:<module> 8.38% (0.00%) 473->2557 8.38% 2619 <doctest smpl.stat:1:<module> 1.83% (0.00%) 473->2619 1.83% 353 _base:841:_unstale_viewLim 1.85% (0.15%) 2412× 444 _base:844:<dictcomp> 0.97% (0.24%) 2412× 353->444 0.97% 2412× 1257 _base:2809:autoscale_view 0.76% (0.02%) 26× 353->1257 0.76% 26× 444->272 0.55% 4824× 415 _base:2868:handle_single_axis 0.62% (0.05%) 52× 1257->415 0.62% 52× 362 fromnumeric:69:_wrapreduction 2.81% (0.85%) 15557× 1932 ~:0:<method 'reduce' of 'numpy.ufunc' objects> 3.50% (3.51%) 28375× 362->1932 1.55% 15249× 368 _mathtext:597:__init__ 0.82% (0.03%) 46× 609 font_manager:1201:findfont 0.94% (0.23%) 2521× 368->609 0.13% 552× 609->578 0.14% 543× 375 core:1795:error_components 1.42% (0.46%) 8014× 2577 core:1695:derivatives 0.84% (0.19%) 8014× 375->2577 0.84% 8014× 2577->217 0.55% 4000× 379 line_profiler:274:show_text 0.57% (0.00%) 379->87 0.57% 14× 381 _base:574:__init__ 7.62% (0.02%) 10× 2893 _base:818:_init_axis 1.66% (0.01%) 10× 381->2893 1.66% 10× 2916 _base:1388:clear 5.30% (0.00%) 10× 381->2916 5.30% 10× 1490 spines:208:register_axis 0.89% (0.00%) 40× 2893->1490 0.89% 40× 382 _base:1262:__clear 5.30% (0.03%) 10× 2916->382 5.30% 10× 789 axis:765:_set_scale 1.24% (0.02%) 140× 382->789 0.17% 20× 1191 _base:3155:grid 3.62% (0.02%) 61× 382->1191 2.10% 20× 1393 axis:855:clear 2.60% (0.05%) 120× 382->1393 0.42% 20× 1487 axis:1082:set_clip_path 1.35% (0.00%) 20× 382->1487 1.35% 20× 2908 spines:221:clear 0.88% (0.00%) 40× 382->2908 0.88% 40× 1717 scale:103:set_default_locators_and_formatters 1.21% (0.03%) 140× 789->1717 1.21% 140× 1191->64 3.60% 122× 1393->789 1.07% 120× 1392 text:185:_reset_visual_defaults 1.81% (0.17%) 737× 1393->1392 0.60% 240× 1487->221 0.84% 20× 2908->1393 0.88% 40× 383 axis:58:__init__ 2.77% (0.09%) 85× 383->853 2.07% 425× 389 core:1829:std_dev 1.94% (0.25%) 8014× 389->965 0.22% 8014× 389->375 1.42% 8014× 406 doctest:1843:run 51.84% (0.00%) 34× 1053 doctest:1425:run 51.84% (0.02%) 34× 406->1053 51.84% 34× 463 doctest:1279:__run 51.42% (0.05%) 34× 1053->463 51.42% 34× 421 numeric:2359:within_tol 0.62% (0.21%) 417× 421->949 0.10% 417× 428->477 0.36% 520× 453 offsetbox:298:get_offset 6.54% (0.01%) 24× 1163 legend:691:_findoffset 6.53% (0.01%) 24× 453->1163 6.53% 24× 1163->175 6.52% 24× 2558 ~:0:<built-in method scipy.optimize._minpack._lmdif> 0.52% (0.02%) 21× 724->2558 0.52% 21× 463->473 51.25% 89× 1099 plot:495:function 62.48% (0.04%) 30× 1079->1099 1.39% 1692->1099 1.79% 1693->1099 2.53% 1694->1099 2.15% 1695->1099 2.75% 1696->1099 2.24% 1697->1099 1.93% 1698->1099 3.28% 1699->1099 2.26% 1700->1099 2.39% 1701->1099 2.38% 1702->1099 3.06% 1703->1099 3.11% 1704->1099 2.98% 1705->1099 2.76% 1706->1099 3.12% 735 plot:241:fit 23.85% (0.04%) 2557->735 8.38% 1764 stat:345:is_monotone 1.86% (0.00%) 2619->1764 1.83% 1269->353 1.85% 2256× 476 layout_engine:164:execute 51.59% (0.02%) 39× 476->152 51.04% 39× 485 markers:327:_set_marker 2.00% (0.13%) 946× 485->254 1.53% 276× 488 transforms:1780:__eq__ 0.79% (0.19%) 1228× 1800 <__array_function__ internals>:177:all 0.83% (0.08%) 2297× 488->1800 0.51% 1228× 1736 ~:0:<built-in method numpy.core._multiarray_umath.implement_array_function> 8.79% (1.31%) 32780× 1800->1736 0.74% 2297× 490 fromnumeric:38:_wrapit 1.11% (0.28%) 3080× 1831 ~:0:<method 'clip' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects> 0.57% (0.02%) 624× 490->1831 0.46% 520× 1893 ~:0:<built-in method numpy.asarray> 0.53% (0.53%) 16190× 490->1893 0.17% 3080× 1829 _methods:127:_clip 0.55% (0.09%) 624× 1831->1829 0.55% 624× 491 fromnumeric:51:_wrapfunc 1.74% (0.23%) 5534× 491->490 1.11% 3080× 491->1831 0.11% 104× 986 pytest_line_profiler_apn:12:get_stats 0.59% (0.00%) 518->986 0.59% 518->1974 12.29% 2776 line_profiler:167:runcall 12.97% (0.00%) 518->2776 12.97% 2775 line_profiler:144:print_stats 0.59% (0.01%) 986->2775 0.59% 1974->287 44.76% 11× 2776->1974 12.97% 527 _odrpack:1074:run 0.81% (0.01%) 16× 2846 ~:0:<built-in method _odrpack.odr> 0.79% (0.06%) 16× 527->2846 0.79% 16× 2572 fit:343:<lambda> 0.77% (0.04%) 574× 2846->2572 0.73% 558× 1707->735 15.47% 1707->1099 2.86% 1708->1099 19.50% 12× 2804 test_fit_algos:71:_test_fit_algos 6.53% (0.00%) 2803->2804 6.53% 575 ~:0:<built-in method builtins.hash> 0.60% (0.12%) 15341× 575->577 0.50% 4842× 578->575 0.55% 4842× 598 _base:241:__call__ 0.65% (0.02%) 88× 598->65 0.60% 44× 603 figure:3511:tight_layout 51.68% (0.01%) 39× 603->476 51.59% 39× 1302 artist:180:__init__ 1.04% (0.59%) 2075× 612->1302 0.29% 500× 1449 markers:228:__init__ 2.17% (0.05%) 946× 612->1449 0.38% 500× 1516 artist:1216:_internal_update 2.60% (0.08%) 5452× 612->1516 0.46% 500× 1710 __init__:729:__getitem__ 1.71% (0.91%) 55101× 1302->1710 0.15% 4150× 1449->485 2.00% 946× 1516->160 2.52% 5452× 1357 patches:742:get_patch_transform 0.55% (0.07%) 214× 1358->1357 0.55% 214× 621 transforms:1343:__add__ 0.66% (0.05%) 1847× 626 transforms:2511:composite_transform_factory 0.60% (0.08%) 1847× 621->626 0.60% 1847× 622 transforms:1421:__sub__ 1.04% (0.11%) 520× 622->488 0.59% 1040× 622->621 0.23% 520× 623 transforms:1851:transform_affine 0.55% (0.15%) 3495× 632 plot:445:__function 13.72% (0.08%) 35× 1081 wrap:91:<lambda> 1.09% (0.00%) 60× 632->1081 1.09% 60× 1527 plot:436:plt_plt 1.12% (0.01%) 35× 632->1527 1.12% 35× 2320 core:82:nominal_values 2.55% (0.11%) 2772× 632->2320 0.26% 13× 2321 core:98:std_devs 2.22% (0.01%) 155× 632->2321 2.16% 2584 plot:796:fitted 10.53% (0.00%) 19× 632->2584 8.75% 14× 1080 <string>:1:<lambda> 1.07% (0.01%) 3077× 1081->1080 1.06% 34× 1186 pyplot:2810:plot 1.37% (0.01%) 44× 1527->1186 1.11% 35× 2312 function_base:2301:__call__ 7.21% (0.22%) 5018× 2320->2312 2.40% 2772× 2321->2312 2.21% 155× 658 core:776:_parseNoCache 12.63% (1.24%) 12684× 1541 core:4779:parseImpl 11.95% (4.66%) 354× 658->1541 11.45% 46× 2256 core:287:wrapper 12.28% (0.04%) 664× 658->2256 12.28% 184× 2293 core:3861:parseImpl 12.55% (0.18%) 3132× 658->2293 12.55% 46× 2294 core:4108:parseImpl 11.30% (0.29%) 1187× 658->2294 11.30% 133× 2296 core:5200:parseImpl 11.35% (0.13%) 3440× 658->2296 11.35% 133× 2297 core:4889:parseImpl 11.95% (0.00%) 88× 658->2297 11.95% 46× 2298 core:4956:parseImpl 4.53% (0.03%) 430× 658->2298 4.53% 187× 659 core:909:_parseCache 12.65% (1.27%) 13039× 1541->659 11.94% 92× 2256->17 0.64% 92× 2257 _mathtext:2018:math_string 11.57% (0.00%) 46× 2256->2257 11.57% 46× 2293->659 12.53% 138× 2294->659 11.29% 227× 2295 core:4373:parseImpl 11.35% (0.11%) 3440× 2296->2295 11.35% 133× 2297->1541 11.95% 46× 2298->659 4.52% 187× 659->658 12.63% 46× 866 util:111:set_ 0.75% (0.51%) 12684× 659->866 0.75% 12684× 726 core:2865:nominal_value 0.97% (0.69%) 107016× 726->592 0.22% 107016× 727 core:2880:std_dev 2.09% (0.13%) 8799× 727->389 1.94% 8008× 1709 plot:327:_fit_impl 23.80% (0.01%) 735->1709 23.80% 1100 plot:808:init_plot 4.71% (0.01%) 35× 1709->1100 3.15% 1101 plot:841:save_plot 60.67% (0.02%) 39× 1709->1101 3.22% 1109 plot:789:plt_fit 13.73% (0.01%) 1709->1109 13.73% 1119 plot:534:plt_residue 3.42% (0.01%) 1709->1119 3.42% 1718 ticker:427:__init__ 0.53% (0.02%) 140× 1717->1718 0.53% 140× 792 figure:529:add_axes 6.20% (0.01%) 792->381 6.18% 834 offsetbox:796:get_bbox 16.46% (0.10%) 181× 834->28 15.28% 181× 834->1570 0.14% 181× 1085 backend_agg:221:get_text_width_height_descent 14.99% (0.05%) 265× 834->1085 0.83% 181× 1087 backend_agg:263:_prepare_font 0.50% (0.03%) 219× 1085->1087 0.50% 219× 1366 mathtext:210:parse 14.00% (0.01%) 46× 1085->1366 14.00% 46× 836 _axes:197:legend 7.44% (0.01%) 35× 836->853 7.35% 35× 1594->1809 0.63% 2041× 1595->1807 0.52% 2041× 1825 _methods:61:_all 0.98% (0.04%) 2427× 1826->1825 0.94% 2119× 1563->1893 0.19% 5462× 1563->1871 0.25% 5462× 1807->1736 1.08% 5723× 1809->1736 1.29% 5646× 1614 transforms:1596:transform_path 0.66% (0.02%) 388× 846->1614 0.27% 182× 1615 transforms:1605:transform_path_affine 0.56% (0.02%) 388× 1614->1615 0.56% 388× 849->477 0.29% 520× 1815 <__array_function__ internals>:177:round_ 0.50% (0.04%) 1450× 850->1815 0.50% 1450× 1815->1736 0.45% 1450× 1299->853 1.09% 257× 1299->621 0.17% 257× 1296 offsetbox:217:__init__ 0.88% (0.06%) 806× 1299->1296 0.31% 257× 1391->329 0.60% 497× 1391->1302 0.20% 497× 1391->1392 1.21% 497× 1468->853 0.17% 40× 1468->1393 0.42% 20× 905 stat:303:get_domain 1.88% (0.11%) 78× 905->2320 1.17% 78× 905->905 1.80% 1763 <__array_function__ internals>:177:linspace 0.54% (0.02%) 395× 905->1763 0.16% 156× 905->1845 0.37% 153× 1763->1736 0.52% 395× 1845->1736 1.06% 417× 924 figure:643:add_subplot 1.44% (0.00%) 924->381 1.44% 937 ticker:2074:_raw_ticks 4.83% (0.61%) 520× 1187 axis:2474:get_tick_space 1.53% (0.17%) 260× 937->1187 1.53% 260× 1188 axis:2733:get_tick_space 1.46% (0.12%) 260× 937->1188 1.46% 260× 1796 <__array_function__ internals>:177:clip 0.77% (0.03%) 624× 937->1796 0.65% 520× 1187->268 0.28% 260× 1187->622 0.53% 260× 1555 transforms:474:transformed 0.82% (0.14%) 520× 1187->1555 0.41% 260× 1188->268 0.29% 260× 1188->622 0.51% 260× 1188->1555 0.41% 260× 1796->1736 0.73% 624× 1204->477 1.13% 520× 1660 ticker:2138:tick_values 5.27% (0.07%) 520× 1204->1660 5.27% 520× 1172->842 4.52% 1889× 1549 path:653:intersects_bbox 0.52% (0.08%) 1889× 1173->1549 0.52% 1889× 981 runner:318:from_call 98.83% (0.04%) 120× 2039 runner:262:<lambda> 98.77% (0.01%) 120× 981->2039 98.77% 120× 2039->287 98.76% 120× 2775->379 0.57% 1099->129 1.23% 30× 1099->1100 1.56% 30× 1099->1101 57.36% 30× 1691 plot:410:_function 2.09% (0.02%) 30× 1099->1691 2.09% 30× 2237 functions:29:line 8.81% (0.30%) 38× 1080->2237 8.81% 38× 2238 functions:23:linear 1.77% (0.14%) 398× 1080->2238 1.77% 398× 2314 functions:81:exponential 2.21% (0.55%) 2052× 1080->2314 2.21% 2052× 2237->193 8.52% 22037× 2238->193 1.63% 8022× 2314->2312 1.66% 2052× 1083 fit:195:_wrapped_func 3.49% (0.28%) 2459× 1083->2320 0.99% 2459× 1095 mathtext:228:_parse_cached 13.97% (0.02%) 46× 1366->1095 13.97% 46× 1086->1085 14.17% 84× 1090 offsetbox:474:_get_bbox_and_child_offsets 17.58% (0.04%) 48× 1308 offsetbox:485:<listcomp> 17.50% (0.01%) 48× 1090->1308 17.50% 24× 1307 offsetbox:365:get_bbox 17.58% (0.02%) 253× 1308->1307 17.50% 24× 1091 offsetbox:506:_get_bbox_and_child_offsets 17.50% (0.17%) 205× 1091->1570 0.13% 205× 1223 offsetbox:512:<listcomp> 17.41% (0.02%) 205× 1091->1223 17.41% 24× 1223->834 16.46% 181× 1223->1307 17.41% 24× 1095->368 0.82% 46× 2243 _mathtext:1981:parse 12.72% (0.01%) 46× 1095->2243 12.72% 46× 2225 core:1076:parse_string 12.67% (0.01%) 92× 2243->2225 12.67% 46× 1100->792 3.05% 1524 pyplot:3089:xlabel 1.53% (0.00%) 18× 1100->1524 1.53% 18× 1263 pyplot:2708:legend 7.47% (0.01%) 35× 1101->1263 7.47% 35× 1285 pyplot:2614:grid 1.54% (0.01%) 41× 1101->1285 1.50% 39× 1329 pyplot:2347:tight_layout 51.69% (0.00%) 39× 1101->1329 51.69% 39× 1691->632 2.07% 30× 1326 pyplot:2307:gca 1.56% (0.01%) 160× 1524->1326 1.49% 18× 1263->836 7.44% 35× 1285->1191 1.52% 41× 1329->603 51.68% 39× 1107 plot:719:plt_fit_or_interpolate 13.49% (0.02%) 1107->632 11.64% 1107->2584 1.79% 1109->1107 13.49% 1119->792 3.14% 1120 fit:130:fit 6.54% (0.03%) 53× 1120->192 0.87% 21× 2221 fit:273:_fit_minuit_leastsquares 4.31% (0.02%) 16× 1120->2221 4.31% 16× 2575 fit:342:_fit_odr 0.94% (0.01%) 16× 1120->2575 0.94% 16× 2808 minuit:711:migrad 3.61% (0.24%) 16× 2221->2808 3.61% 16× 2575->527 0.81% 16× 1160 legend_handler:87:update_prop 1.82% (0.02%) 222× 1160->615 0.10% 222× 1175 legend_handler:78:_update_prop 1.39% (0.01%) 201× 1160->1175 1.39% 201× 1176 legend_handler:84:_default_update_prop 1.38% (0.01%) 201× 1175->1176 1.38% 201× 1290->1307 17.58% 24× 1289 offsetbox:54:get_offset 6.55% (0.00%) 24× 1290->1289 6.55% 24× 1443 lines:1334:update_from 1.79% (0.05%) 276× 1176->1443 1.37% 201× 1443->1449 1.64% 276× 1177->853 1.24% 201× 1177->1763 0.30% 201× 1177->1160 1.74% 201× 1185 _axes:1443:plot 1.34% (0.02%) 44× 1185->155 0.64% 44× 1185->598 0.65% 88× 1186->1185 1.34% 44× 1555->1563 0.13% 520× 1555->1612 0.49% 520× 1660->937 4.83% 520× 1307->1090 17.58% 24× 1307->1091 17.50% 24× 1333 figure:68:_stale_figure_callback 0.91% (0.16%) 7855× 1334->1333 0.91% 7855× 1461 artist:103:_stale_axes_callback 1.47% (0.25%) 9270× 1334->1461 1.47% 9270× 1522 pyplot:872:_auto_draw_if_interactive 0.53% (0.13%) 7872× 1334->1522 0.53% 7872× 1251->1322 5.16% 576× 1289->453 6.54% 24× 1296->1302 0.41% 806× 1296->1516 0.28% 806× 1710->262 0.80% 55101× 1636 transforms:2421:transform_affine 1.08% (0.06%) 1360× 1612->1636 1.08% 1360× 1325 figure:1649:gca 1.47% (0.01%) 160× 1325->924 1.44% 1326->1325 1.47% 160× 1333->1334 0.75% 7855× 1461->1334 1.14% 9270× 1364 text:1307:set_fontproperties 0.73% (0.10%) 772× 1364->1384 0.30% 772× 1384->146 1.01% 3069× 1392->1364 0.71% 737× 1517->273 0.71% 4091× 1517->1516 1.75% 4091× 1465->1462 0.28% 210× 1465->383 1.44% 42× 1466->1462 0.30% 215× 1466->383 1.33% 43× 1490->1393 0.88% 40× 1533 _mathtext:303:_get_info 0.94% (0.13%) 509× 1565->1563 0.45% 2123× 1787 <__array_function__ internals>:177:reshape 0.79% (0.09%) 2165× 1565->1787 0.79% 2123× 1787->1736 0.69% 2165× 1640 transforms:2444:get_affine 1.05% (0.25%) 2088× 1636->1640 0.87% 1360× 1615->1640 0.19% 232× 1640->1626 0.29% 2088× 1640->1640 0.23% 418× 1772 fromnumeric:198:reshape 0.62% (0.07%) 2165× 1736->1772 0.62% 2165× 1775 fromnumeric:2111:clip 0.71% (0.03%) 624× 1736->1775 0.71% 624× 1783 fromnumeric:2432:all 0.65% (0.10%) 2297× 1736->1783 0.65% 2297× 1784 fromnumeric:2703:amax 0.98% (0.17%) 5723× 1736->1784 0.98% 5723× 1785 fromnumeric:2829:amin 1.18% (0.19%) 5646× 1736->1785 1.18% 5646× 1839 numeric:2278:isclose 1.04% (0.09%) 417× 1736->1839 1.04% 417× 1772->491 0.55% 2165× 1775->491 0.68% 624× 1783->362 0.56% 2297× 1784->362 0.81% 5723× 1785->362 0.99% 5646× 1839->421 0.62% 417× 1839->1800 0.26% 834× 1764->905 1.85% 1825->1932 0.93% 2427× 1833 _ufunc_config:33:seterr 0.67% (0.30%) 4922× 1898 ~:0:<built-in method numpy.asanyarray> 0.58% (0.58%) 22448× 1900 function_base:2400:_vectorize_call 6.99% (1.43%) 5018× 1900->193 1.68% 28300× 1900->726 0.97% 107016× 1900->727 2.09% 8799× 1900->1898 0.21% 5018× 1918 <__array_function__ internals>:177:sum 0.56% (0.05%) 1513× 1918->1736 0.50% 1513× 1970 runner:111:pytest_runtest_protocol 100.00% (0.01%) 40× 1970->166 99.65% 40× 1970->287 0.12% 80× 1972->981 98.83% 120× 1995->406 51.84% 34× 2819 cost:583:__call__ 3.60% (0.06%) 1492× 2808->2819 3.32% 1372× 2225->659 12.65% 46× 2245 _mathtext:992:__init__ 0.94% (0.04%) 537× 2269 _mathtext:1007:_update_metrics 0.88% (0.03%) 535× 2245->2269 0.88% 535× 2268 _mathtext:182:get_metrics 0.90% (0.03%) 611× 2269->2268 0.86% 535× 2257->2225 11.56% 46× 2268->1533 0.87% 465× 2295->659 11.34% 133× 2312->1900 6.99% 5018× 2567 test_fit_algos:30:_test_fit_exponential 5.33% (0.01%) 24× 2567->1120 5.31% 24× 2568 test_fit_algos:11:_test_fit_linear 1.08% (0.01%) 24× 2568->1120 1.06% 24× 2570 cost:1832:_call 3.53% (0.23%) 1492× 2570->1083 2.28% 1492× 2600 cost:207:chi2 0.99% (0.09%) 1492× 2570->2600 0.99% 1492× 2600->1918 0.55% 1492× 2572->1083 0.73% 574× 2666 test_fit_algos:50:_test_fit 6.53% (0.01%) 2666->2567 5.33% 24× 2666->2568 1.08% 24× 2804->2666 6.53% 2819->2570 3.53% 1492×