check_count (line, fname, t)
Returns true if the count of the line is greater than or equal to t . |
file (key, value[, level, times, seperator, ...])
Prints the message msg if level > debug_level to file filename . |
file1 (_key, _value[, level, times, _back])
Just like file() but times set to 1. |
get_count (line, fname)
Returns the counts of the line. |
get_frame ([_back])
get_line_number ([_back])
get_line_number_file ([split, _back])
Gets the current filename and the current linenumber within it. |
get_line_src ([_back])
Gets the current line in the python source. |
inc_count (line, fname)
Increments the count of the line. |
line (msg_[, tag, level, times, _back])
line1 (msg_[, tag, level, times, _back])
Just like line() but times set to 1. |
msg (msg[, tag, level, times, line_, _back])
Prints the message msg if level > debug_level and always returns the msg. |
msg1 (_msg[, tag, level, times, line_, _back])
Just like msg() but times set to 1. |
once ([_back])
Returns true only one time |
reset_count ()
Resets global count_times. |
reset_table ()
Resets global cur_table_line. |
reset_times ()
Resets global count_times. |
table (key, value[, level, times, seperator, ...])
Saves key :value in filename . |
table_flush_header ([filename, seperator])
Saves the current keys from table() to filename . |
table_flush_line ([filename, seperator])
Saves the current values from table() to filename |
times ([t, _back])
Returns true if the count of the current line is greater than or equal to t . |