Source code for

"""Simplified input and output."""
import contextlib
import os
import pathlib
import re
import shutil
import sys
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path

import requests

from .grep import *
from .head import *
from .sed import *
from .tail import *

[docs]def read(to_be_read: str): """ Open either a file or URI and return the content. Reads the file ``to_be_read``. Parameters ---------- fname : str file name. Returns ------- str content of the file. Examples -------- >>> read("nonexistent.txt") '' >>> write("test.out","hi") >>> read("test.out") 'hi' >>> read("").split("\\n")[0].strip() 'GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE' """ if to_be_read.startswith("http"): return requests.get(to_be_read).text else: if not os.path.exists(to_be_read): return "" with open(to_be_read, "r") as f: return
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def pushd(new_dir, tmp=False, cd=True): """ Move to a new directory and return to the previous one after context. Parameters ---------- new_dir : str new directory. tmp: bool, optional create the directory if it does not exist and delete after context, by default False cd: bool, optional change to (new) directory, by default True Examples -------- >>> import os >>> p = os.getcwd() >>> with pushd("tmptest",tmp=True): ... pp = os.getcwd() ... pp.startswith(p) and pp.endswith("tmptest") True >>> import os >>> p = os.getcwd() >>> with pushd("tmptest",tmp=True,): ... pp = os.getcwd() ... pp.startswith(p) and pp.endswith("tmptest") True """ previous_dir = os.getcwd() if tmp: abspath = os.path.abspath(new_dir) os.makedirs(abspath, exist_ok=False) if cd: os.chdir(new_dir) try: yield finally: if cd: os.chdir(previous_dir) if tmp: shutil.rmtree(abspath, ignore_errors=True)
[docs]def glob_re(pattern, path): """ Returns all strings that match the regex pattern. Parameters ---------- pattern : str regex pattern. path : str path to search in. Returns ------- list list of filenames that match the regex pattern. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> with pushd("tmptest",tmp=True,cd=False): ... write("tmptest/test.txt","hi\\nho1\\n2\\n3\\n4\\n") ... glob_re(".*[xt][xt][xt]", "tmptest") ['test.txt'] """ return list(filter(re.compile(pattern).match, os.listdir(path)))
[docs]def write(destination, content, mode="w+", create_dir=True): """ Write to file by string or writable :obj:`destiantion`. Parameters ---------- destination : str, writeable destination to write to. content : str text to be written. mode : str mode to open the file. Default is 'w+' (write and read). create_dir : bool create directory if it does not exist. Examples -------- >>> write(sys.stdout,"hi") hi >>> write("test.out","hi") >>> read("test.out") 'hi' """ # TODO add http and other string based write methodes if isinstance(destination, str): if create_dir: try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(destination), exist_ok=True) except FileNotFoundError: # this happens when the path is a local path, ie. a single file pass with open(destination, mode) as f: f.write(content) else: destination.write(content)
[docs]def append(destination, content, mode="a+"): """ Appends to file by string or writable :obj:`destiantion`. Parameters ---------- destination : str, writeable destination to write to. content : str text to be written. mode : str mode to open the file. Default is 'a+' (append and read). Examples -------- >>> append(sys.stdout,"hi") hi """ write(destination, content, mode)
[docs]def gf(i=3): """ Scientific number format. Parameters ---------- i : int Number of digits. Returns ------- str Scientific number format string. Examples -------- >>> gf(2) '{0:.2g}' >>> gf(2).format(789234578934) '7.9e+11' >>> gf(5).format(789234578934) '7.8923e+11' """ return "{0:." + str(i) + "g}"
[docs]def find_file(fname, up=0): """ Searches for ``fname`` in all down folders or up folder to given order respectively. Parameters ---------- fname : str file name. up : int number of up folders to search. Returns ------- str path to the file. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> find_file("",0) 'smpl_io/' >>> os.chdir("smpl_io") >>> find_file("",0) '' >>> find_file("Makefile",1) '../Makefile' """ p = Path(os.path.abspath(fname)).parent n = Path(os.path.abspath(fname)).name if (p / n).is_file(): return str(os.path.relpath(p / n, os.path.abspath("."))) for _ in range(up): p = p.parent for f in p.rglob(n): if f.is_file(): return str(os.path.relpath(f, os.path.abspath("."))) return None
[docs]def pwd() -> str: """ Returns the path to the path of current file (in linux format). Returns ------- str path to the path of current file. Examples -------- >>> pwd().endswith("smpl_io") True """ # pwd_ = "/".join(debug.get_line_number_file(split=False, _back=1)[1].split("/")[:-1]) path = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() return str(path)
[docs]def import_path(path="../.."): """ Adds ``path`` to the ``sys.path``. Parameters ---------- path : str path to add. Examples -------- >>> import_path('../../smpl') """ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(path))
[docs]def mkdirs(fn): """ Creates the neccessary directories above ``fn``. Parameters ---------- fn : str file name. Examples -------- >>> mkdirs("test.out") """ pathlib.Path(fn).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
[docs]def pr(a, nnl=False): """ Prints the passed ``a``. Parameters ---------- nnl : bool no-new-line Returns ------- a : any unchanged ``a``. Examples -------- >>> 5 + pr(4) 4 9 >>> 5 + pr(4, nnl=True) 49 """ if nnl: print(a, end="") else: print(a) return a
[docs]def files(ending, folder="."): """ Get all the files in ``folder`` ending with ``ending``. Parameters ---------- folder : str folder name. ending : str ending of the files. Returns ------- list list of files. Examples -------- >>> files(".ini") [(0, 'pytest', './pytest.ini')] """ r = [] i = 0 for file in os.scandir(folder): if file.path.endswith(ending): r.append((i, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file.path))[0], file.path)) i = i + 1 return r
[docs]def pn(a, nnl=False): """ Find variable with the same value as ``a`` in globals. Then print its name and value. Parameters ---------- a : any variable to find. nnl : bool no-new-line Returns ------- a : any unchanged ``a``. """ gl = globals() for key in gl: if gl[key] == a: print(key) if nnl: print(f"{a.__name__}={a}", end="") else: print(f"{a.__name__}={a}") return a
[docs]def remove(file): """ Removes ``file``. Parameters ---------- file : str file name. Examples -------- >>> remove("test.out") """ if os.path.exists(file): os.remove(file)
alias_open = open
[docs]def open(to_be_read: str, mode="r"): """ Return opened buffer of either file or URI. Parameters ---------- to_be_read : str file name or URI. mode : str mode to open the file. Returns ------- buffer opened buffer. """ if mode != "r": return alias_open(to_be_read, mode) if to_be_read.startswith("http"): return StringIO(requests.get(to_be_read).text) else: if not os.path.exists(to_be_read): return StringIO("") return alias_open(to_be_read, "r")