Source code for smpl_util.util

"""Simplified general utilities."""
import numpy as np
import warnings
from smpl_doc import doc

[docs]@doc.deprecated("1.0.3", "Use `s*n` instead.") def times(s, n): """ Concats string ``s`` ``n`` times. Examples -------- >>> times("hi",5) 'hihihihihi' .. deprecated:: 0.0.0 """ return s.join(["" for i in range(0, n + 1)])
[docs]def rename(old, new, warning=True): """ Annotation to replace the name of a function argument. Examples -------- >>> @rename("a","b") ... def f(b): ... return b >>> f(1) 1 >>> f(a=1) 1 >>> f(b=1) 1 >>> f(b=2,a=1) 2 """ def wrapper(target): def lammda(*args, **kwargs): if old in kwargs and new in kwargs: if warning: warnings.warn( f"Argument {old} and {new} are both set, {new} will be used.", DeprecationWarning, ) del kwargs[old] elif old in kwargs: if warning: warnings.warn( f"Argument {old} is deprecated, use {new} instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) kwargs[new] = kwargs[old] del kwargs[old] return target(*args, **kwargs) return lammda return wrapper
# TODO split in to own package
[docs]def withify(prefix="with_", sufix="", override=False): """ Decorator to add with_ methods to a class. Examples -------- >>> from dataclasses import dataclass, field >>> from typing import Optional >>> @withify() ... @dataclass ... class A: ... a : Optional[int] = field(default=0) ... b : Optional[int] = field(default=0) ... c : Optional[int] = field(default=0) >>> a = A(0,0,0) >>> a.with_a(1).with_b(2).with_c(3) A(a=1, b=2, c=3) """ def _withify(cls): inst = cls() for k in inst.__annotations__.keys(): fun = prefix + k + sufix ok = k if override or not hasattr(cls, fun): def tmp(self, value, k=ok): """Set `value` and return self.""" self.__dict__[k] = value return self tmp.__doc__ = f"Set {k} to `value` and return self." setattr(cls, fun, tmp) return cls return _withify
[docs]def get(key, ddict, default=None): """ Returns dict[key] if this exists else default. Examples -------- >>> d = {'a' : 1 , 'b' : 2 , 'c' : 3} >>> get('a',d,5) 1 >>> get('x',d,5) 5 """ if has(key, ddict): return ddict[key] else: return default
[docs]def has(key, ddict): """ Checks if the key is in the dict and not None. Examples -------- >>> d = {'a' : 1 , 'b' : 2 , 'c' : 3} >>> has('a',d) True >>> has('x',d) False """ return key in ddict and not ddict[key] is None
[docs]def true(key, ddict): """ Checks if the key is in the dict and not None and True. Examples -------- >>> d = {'a' : True , 'b' : True , 'c' : False} >>> true('a', d) True >>> true('c', d) False >>> true('x', d) False """ return has(key, ddict) and ddict[key]
[docs]def find_nearest_index(array, value): """ Returns the index of the element in ``array`` closest to ``value`` Examples -------- >>> find_nearest_index([1,7,6,2] , 1.9) 3 """ array = np.asarray(array) idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin() return idx
[docs]def find_nearest(array, value): """ Return the element in ``array`` closest to ``value`` Examples -------- >>> find_nearest([1,7,6,2] , 1.9) 2 """ return array[find_nearest_index(array, value)]